Friday, December 2, 2011

Whom do you draw inspiration from???

This blog is dedicated to YOU!!!

We always look upto some of the greatest presonalities and dream about achiving similar goals in our lives.. There is absolutely nothing wrong in it, but the actual fact is that we spend most of our precious time in day dreaming about it. The result is we have wasted those many minutes, Which we would have utiliesd on some other work which would have required immediate attention or should have been given more priority. I myself have experienced this, we keep our work a side and give so much importance to our achivements attained in those 15-30 mins of our dream. We are pretty much aware that its not in reality and killing those precious time, basking in the glory of achivement in dream, yet we are lazy enough to invest time and hard work to achive the same in reality.

Now lets talk about the actual topic "Whom do you draw inspiration from???"

In my life there are so many people whom I look upto or drawn inspiration from, but amongst all, these four people who really inspired me or changed my way of leading life..

1. My Parents: I am proud to say this!!! Because I have seen their struggle to bring us up, their sacrifice towards new clothes or gold ornaments to pay our school fees/ provide good education and a decent living. I still remember those days, I was in 2nd, my dad used to work in night shifts, reach home aroud 7:30 Am gets ready to drop me at school by cycling 3-4 kms again gets back home help my mom in giving bath to his bedridden mother, by the time he sleeps it will be around 1 Pm - again wakes up at 4 and comes to school to pick me up.
Dads salary was 200/- and mom used to conduct tutions at home and she used to earn 150-200/- Total salary combined together was less then 500/- in which they have to pay rent, bills, school fees, medicenes and ration to home. In spite of all these expenses they used to save money God knows how,they used to be very optimistic and always wear a simple smile. Years passed by and today we are living in our own house (a three storey building), never ever dreamt that we would be living in a own house. Proud of you Mom and Dad.

2. Raghavendra: My Cousin, who used to stay in cottenpet (majestic area). He is elder to me by an year, but used to struggle like hell to support his family. At very early age (7), he lost his mother, his dad married another women (who happens to be my dad's youger sister). Raghavendra very soon took responsibility on his shoulder, the office (binny mills) where his dad used to worked had all of a sudden closed down. His dad became unemployed unable to run family tried to commit sucide. Elders of their family came to his rescue and offered him a job at printing press. However that wassn't enough to run family. This young boy who had just completed his 10 std, decided to discontinue his studies and started supporting his family of 6(3 siblings, mom, dad and grand father).

Raghavendra used to get up at 4 in the morning and goes to put paper, comes back home around 7, dress up and go to another work (ticket counter at a travel agency) comes back at 6, gets refreshed and heads to printing press for part time job upto 10 in the night.I don't even remeber how many nights he slept without food, forget about food, when he comes back from work in the night there was no place for him to sleep. He used to sleep in the nearby temple. Anybody in his give situation would have left home.. But this kind hearted fellow stayed with them to support his family. He struggled for more than 10 years to wear some decent clothes, to have food and sleep at the right time.
Today, Ragavendra a Bcom grad (through correspondence) works for a company in BTM layout, earns a decent salary.Married to a working women and leads a happy life, his younger brother is a MBA Grad, works for a finance sector, both of his sisters have got married and are leading a happy life, Parents stay in a leased house with his younger brother. 

3. Selvi: She was a servant (aaya) of our college. One fine evening when I was busy completing the assigment which I was suppose to subitted next day morning, this female was running out of time, she was suppose to lock the class room and leave for her home, instead she waited for me to complete the assigment. While I was writing my assignment, I trid to drag her into conversation, She said she was the first servent to join this college and till date never had a dull moment. She loves to be in this college so that she can be always associated with the yougsters. She further said that she used to observe some of the yougsters about how they behave, how they communicate, how they concentrate on their studies so that it help her to teach her kids at home some of the best practices.

Selvi was aged around 40, has two children (a boy and a girl) husband works at a garment factory. She used always say that she wants to give her kids a good quality education, for which she is ready to do anything.
This conversation went up to more than 1 hour, by the time I completed the assignment it was 6 in the evening. College was supposed to be closed at 4:30 PM. Yet she never complained abt the delay and moved on.

From next day morning, I used to go upto her and wish her in the morning and we used to interact when ever i met her in the college campus. Days passed by and it was during my last semister, she said that she was going a leave for a month, she wished me all the best for my exams and disappeared. That was the last time I met her. 

Two years ago I had been to my college to visit my Maths lecturer, it was to my surprise, selvi recognised and came upto to me and spoke to me. This time her happiness was doubled, reason being her daughter had completed CA and son was about to complete Automobile engineering (last sem). I was more than happy to hear that. I praised her for her dedication at work, commitment and responsibility in giving her kids a bright future. Another intresting fact that inspired me was she said no matter how much ever her her son and daugher would earn she would still continue to work for this college till her last breath. I was literally moved by this statement, did not how to respond, gave a simple smile and walked away from the sight.

4.  My Colleague: She is a mother of two, aged around 30's, simple and down to earth person. She is great source of inspiration for me at work. She is the soul bread earner for her family. Husband works for a private firm but cannot relay on his salary. So she has to take care of her daughters education, house rent and many more. yet she comes to office with a sparkling smile.
I have a great respect for this female for many reasons: 1. she passed out her E-MBA in First class, 2. She was nominated for E-award for her outstanding work at office. 3. She has a great passion for music and reading books and when ever she finds time, she just gets sinked into them. 4. She works as a guest faculty to train MBA students. and the list goes on and on...Personally I have learned and would continue to learn a lot from her. In fact I started reading books because of her inspiration.

So friends do we still need to look upto great personalities to get inspired??? Stop looking upto them. Discover people around you, appreciate their work,   learn the skill, master the art of living.

The best thing about you in this world is YOU.  Let go your Ego,  Start beliving in yourself.

Like me even you would have come across many wonderful people, it can be your spouse, childern, your parents, brothers, sisters, it can be your lecturer, friend, neighbor, street hawker, milk vendor or even your maid.Get inspired, Get motivated.. Lead a meaningful Life!!!

Finally be Kind to others. "Kindness is the rent we need to pay for the space occupied on this beautiful planet". 

Monday, November 14, 2011

Why Don't we Celebrate Parents Day Unlike Children's Day or Teachers Day???

A very simple and genuine thought always arises to me "Why Don't we Celebrate Parents Day Unlike Children's Day or Teachers Day?".

Today while returning back home in the cab, my friend told me about a program telecast on a local channel, it was about people at the old age home and their lives.... she explained me about the fact that there were many old people in the old age home who are neglected by their children and they are just counting days to end their lives. 

Before we talk about old age homes, let us slip back into memories of our childhood days...

Friends, just recall your childhood days, I am sure you would have plenty of sweet memories to share, the joy, happiness, love, friends, clothes, toys ... wait.. wait... wait.. Did we miss something??? Think again.. Yes indeed we miss to mention our parents love, their struggle to give a good education to us, their sacrifice to give us good clothes and food..their forgiveness when we lie at them, score poor marks in tests or exams, forged the marks card, their happiness when we won a prize or passed the exam in distinction, their joyful tears when we showed our first appointment letter ..and the list goes on and on..

We celebrated Teachers day every year in our school and college days, we used to gift a greeting card to our beloved teacher with a rose. Our Elders says "Mother is the first teacher". Did we ever gift her a greeting card or a rose... poor lady.. neither she expected nor we thought of gifting her..

Lets talk about childerns day. This day used to be one of the special day of our schooling..Coz this is the only day we were allowed to wear color dress.. And we request, cry, beg, demand our parents for new clothes to wear especially on this colorful day.. Did we were thanked our parents who wore the same uniform for more than 30 years working in pvt companies to make our lives colorful??? Never isn't...

Let me share an interesting story with you people, It was last year summer on a bright sunny morning around 11 AM., my wife asked me to take her to a tailor who stays close the school where she used to work. We drove to the destination in our car and she got down near the tailors house..besides the tailor house there was a bakery. It was very hot outside, so I decided to stay in my car..I just happened to peep through the window and an a old man passed through my car went to the bakery.. while on his return he slipped and fell in front of my car.. I was still relaxing in the car while others including the owner of the bakery came to rescue the old man.

They managed to wake him up and gave some water to drink, they also suggested the old man to relax for a while. I was observing from my car, the old man had toren slippers, a stick, broken spectacles and a carry bag, he looked very tired and was not able to get up and go.. I got down from my car to offer the old man to sit in my car and relax for some time. The old man humbly rejected my offer saying... No Thank you Gentleman. Time was 12:30 PM and it was very hot outside, the old man was not able to beat the heat. I again went to the old man and requested him to come and sit in my car, I also told him that I would turn on the AC so that he can relax.. this time even the shopkeepers requested the old man to board my car.

The old man was relaxing in my car and after 5 minutes, my wife returned from the tailor and asked me, who was the old man sitting in her seat, the old man who noticed that my wife had returned was in hurry to get off from my car.. I explained the situation of the old man to my wife and she also supported me and decided to drop the old man at his place.

I asked the old man as to where to drop him, he said that he don't have a home anymore and requested us to drop him at his old age home. I was terribly shocked hearing that, he was aged around 75-80 yrs.
I asked him why he had to stay in old age home, what about his family? The old man replied with a simple smile.. "My dear son, I too had a beautiful family (wife and two sons) once upon a time, after my wife died, everything is only a sweet memory. Situation forced me to ask about his sons.. He continued to wear a simple smile on his face and replied.., I was a Professor at Engineering college, I gave every thing to my  children., they got wings and flew away from me. The old man continued his story with tears... everything was fine until my wife was with me, God was not able to withstand our happiness he took her away and soon my destiny changed. My elder son flew to Australia and he is settled there from past 12 years, younger son is in Mumbai, he wants to live independently. This made me and my wife to became speechless and was not able to console the old man...

I offered some water to the old man and after some time asked him "Why don't you go and stay with your elder son in Australia?" As usual he replied with a smile, The Australian Govt do not want sick and old people in their country. They denied my visa, neither my son made an attempt to convince the govt nor he was interested to return to India. He said he would send me money every month and once in  2 years would come and visit me. I asked my younger son what is his stand, he replied, since he was struggling to find a suitable job, its difficult to take care of me, so there was no other option for me rather than staying at old age home. The old man continued to say, I had sold my house for their education and today they have sold me to the old age home.., its been 5 years my elder son has never came to see me, my younger son, just calls me once in 2-3 months and recharges my mobile once in two months... Life has become so miserable for me, today I have only few friends left with me at old age home.By the time we reached the old age home, I advised my wife not to get out of the car, Four of his friends came to help him to get out of my car, they shook their hands with me and blessed me. The old man continued to introduce his friends to me, The scene was so heart touching.., Among his four friends one was blind, second one was dumb, third one was more than 90 yrs old and fourth one was the attender with his left hand broken.

All his four friends were very happy seeing at his friend that he returned safely. I was awestruck seeing at their love and care for each other. I offered help to take the old man to his room., it was horrible scene.., the rooms were so stinky, it was a medium hall and with 4 cots at each corner, there was no proper water facility, no place to keep their dresses., a foul smell coming from all over the room., just couldn't be there more than a minute.Waved my hand to all the inmates and returned back to my car. I was just unable to digest the fact that how do they survive in such places and how can children neglect their parents.. Is it so difficult to provide shelter for the ones who struggled their entire life to give you a better life???

Friends, lets not forget our parents, they do not expect gold, money or any property from us, they just expect your true love and sweet words, which gives them bundle of joy. We all are blessed to have a beautiful family, lets make it more beautiful and lets add meaning to our lives gifted by them.

Each day is a Happy Parents Day!!! when we show Love, care and respect to our parents, no need to celebrate specifically on a particular day..

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Deepavali... Festival of Lights, Crackers, Sweets and Cherishable Moments!!!

Deepavali, this festival always conquer a special position in my Heart. This is one my favorite festivals that I love celebrating. And there are couple of sweet childhood memories associated with this festival.

Way back when I was in 2nd or 3rd standard, I used to eagerly wait for this festival for three reasons: 1. Burning Crackers 2. New Clothes and 3. Home made sweets (kajjaya).

The moment I get to know that Deepavali is round the corner, all the day I used to dream about this festival, which clothes to wear, which crackers to light first so on and so forth...

In those days , dad use to pay some monthly/quarterly installment for this deepavali gift box which he thought that it would serve both the purpose (crackers and attractive gift). So in that way we used to get 1 Crackers box + I gift box (Suitcase or Silver coins...).

The Crackers box later would be divided into two equal share for me and my brother. Which we used to hide  and preserve for the next 3 days.

I can still recall some of those incidents.., On the festive morning, we used to get up by our own (all other days mom/dad used to wake up). take head bath, wear new clothes and start arranging the crackers scheduling for next 3 days.

We would start off with Bijali crackers in the morning and continue it till evening. some time if Bijali gets over soon, we used to unthread the sara pataki and start lighting one by one as bijali.

Apart from this, there would be also some compition between neighbors and friends to know who burned more crackers. Obviously I would be in the last position coz of quantity. So I used to be awake till 11 PM, hit the street, collect all the papers from end of the street or in front of neighbors house and put them in front of my house. The next morning I used to pose, as if I had burned more than anyone else..  HaHaHa..

Days have passed by, we have grown up and now today, we have no interest to burn crackers, instead we curse if neighbors are making huge noise over bursting crackers.

Things have changed, Life has become so mechanical, these days we don't even remember when the festival would be and even if we had to celebrate we used to keep them very simple. No Enthusiasm, No Curiosity, No joy, just for the sake of festival we have to celebrate.

Those days we were grown up seeing poverty, even to get an additional Bijali packet we had to beg our parents and when we get them in our hands, there used to be some kind of satisfaction, unlimited joy and happiness.Vise versa, now we are ready to spend thousands for the crackers, branded clothes but not in mood to celebrate or rather keep them very simple.

Childhood memories are always special. Today you might be in a good position, you would have bought a new house, Car or even be a proud owner of new company.., but everything would be priceless in front of those fond memories. Change is constant, but happiness would be doubled when you recall those childhood memories and cherish them.

And for me this festival of lights would always remain very special. And I hope even for most of you one or the other festival would be very special. 

Oh what a golden days those were. If God answers my prayer and offers me a wish, I would definitely ask for "Give me Some Sunshine, Give me Some Ray, Give me another chance to grow up once again"....

May this Festival of Lights bring unlimited Joy, Happiness and Prosperity in all your lives.. HAPPY DEEPAVALI!!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Yet another Inspirational Story....

Warren Buffet . A Simple living Legend


Warren Edward Buffet was born on August 30, 1930 to his father Howard, a stockbroker-turned-Congressman. The only boy, he was the second of three children, and displayed an amazing aptitude for both money and business at a very early age.

At only six years old, Buffet purchased 6-packs of Coca Cola from his grandfather's grocery store for twenty five cents and resold each of the bottles for a nickel, pocketing a five cent profit.

Today he is the Second richest man in the world who had donated $31 Billion to Charity.

Here are the some of the very interesting aspects of his life and advice to people;

1. He bought his first share at age 11 and he now regrets that he started too late.

"Things were very cheap that time
Encourage your children to invest".

2. He bought a small farm at age 14 with savings from delivering newspapers.

"One could have bought many things with little savings
Encourage your children to start some kind of Business".

3. He still lives in the same small 3- Bedroom house in the mid-town Omaha, that he bought after he got married 50 years ago. He says that he has everything he needs in that house. His house does not have a wall or a fence.

"Don't buy more than what you "REALLY NEED" and encourage your children to do and think the same".

4.He drives his own car everywhere and does not have a driver or security people around him.

" You are what you are".

5. He never travels by private jet, although he owns the world's private jet company.

"Always think how you can accomplish things economically".

6. His company, Berkshire Hathaway, owns 63 companies. He writes only one letter each year to the CEOs of these companies, giving them goals for the year. He never holds meetings or calls them on regular basis.

"Assign the right people to the right jobs".

7. He has given his CEOs only two rules

Rule 1: Do not lose any of your share holder's money.

Rule 2: Do not forget rule 1.

"Set goals and make sure people focus on them".

8. He does not socialize with the high society crowd. His past time after he gets home is to make himself some pop corn and watch television.

"Don't try to show off, just be your self and do what you enjoy doing"

9. Warren Buffet does not carry a cell phone, nor has a computer on his desk.

10. Bill Gates, worlds richest man met him for the first time only 5 years ago. Bill Gates did not think he had anything in common with Warren Buffet. So he had scheduled his meeting only for half hour. But when Gates met him, the meeting lasted for ten hours and Bill Gates become a devotee of Warren Buffet.

His advice to young people:

"Stay away from Credit Cards (Bank Loans) and invest in yourself and Remember:

A. Money doesn't create man but it is the man who created money.

B. Live your Life as simple as you are.

C. Don't do what others say, just listen them, but do what you feel good.

D. Don't go on Brand name; just wear those things in which you feel comfortable.

E. Don't waste your money on unnecessary things; just spend on them who really in need rather.

F. After all it's your life then why give chance to others to rule your life."

After getting to know these facts of Warren Buffet, I feel that " The Happiest people do not necessarily have the Best of all. They simple Appreciate what they find on their way"


Sunday, March 6, 2011


I have seen many people including me, would quickly run out of patience and state " hardwork would never paysoff" and tend to lose focus on the present work. And we will not stop there, we carry our fursturation and anger to home and yell on the poor family members. This would continue for 2-3 days and then we would be back to normal life. We would be so calm that as if no changes took place. We have No time to analyze. No time to think, No time to plan. And most importantly NO time to implement new ideas for the betterment of our lives.  We are all well educated, atleast degree holders, yet we are not sure what we are doing or why we are into this field. By the time we realize forget about hardwork, it would be hard for us to work,indicating signs of retirement.

I decided to write this blog, Hoping that Steve Jobs story would enlighten us and awake us for the new challanges.

Recently I watched a short speech of Steve Jobs addressing college students. The video had  three stories which steve shared with graduating students. All these three stories would help in moulding charters of a person and undoubtfully remains inspiration for ever. For reference, I have attached the video at the end of this blog.  Don't miss to watch it.

Steve Jobs is undeniably an extraordinary man by any standard.He has left his mark on no less than five industries: personal computers with Apple and Macintosh, music with iPod and iTunes, phone with iPhone, and animation with Pixar.

The middle-class kid with no college education that he was built a computer empire and became a multi-millionaire in a few years, was fired from his own company before coming back a decade later to save it and turn it into one of the world’s most influential corporations, with millions of fans around the world. He has also contributed to the creation of the new leader in animated movies for decades to come. He has been widely acknowledged as one the world’s most eminent business executives and an unrivaled visionary. He has changed millions of lives by making technology easy-to-use, exciting and beautiful.… And you know what the best part is? He’s not done yet.

A brief histroy about World renowned business executive and a visionary  STEVE JOBS.

Steven Paul Jobs was born in San Francisco, California on February 24 1955. His biological parents, unwed college graduates Joanne Simpson and Abdulfattah Jandali, had him adopted by a lower-middle-class couple from south of the Bay Area, Paul and Clara Jobs.

Steve right from his childhood days was facinated about electronics. It was not uncommon to see engineers fill their garages with all kind of electronic devices in that part of California. Steve Jobs was fascinated by these, and that’s why, in 1969, he met with a computer whiz kid who shared his interests in electronics: Stephen Wozniak — commonly known as Woz. Steve and Woz quickly became friends even though Woz was five years older.

When Steve Jobs reached college age, he decided he would go to Reed College in Oregon. But the fees was very expensive for his modest parents.  But they had to keep their promise to Steve’s biological mother, and therefore paid for the tuition. Knowing the fact that his parents cannot afford tution fees, steve decided to discontinue his college course after 1st Semester. He spen a lot of time learning about Eastern mysticism and adopted strange diets, fasting or eating only fruits. He used to leave without food for almost a week waiting for Sundays, bcoz ISCON (Krishna temple in Oregon) used to provide free meals on sundays. He even traveled to India with a friend to seek enlightenment at age 19.

Birth of Apple computers

After Steve came back to the Valley, he focused on Woz’s work on a computer board. Steve Jobs saw that many people were interested in his friend’s brilliant work: he suggested they sell the board to them. Apple Computer was born.

Apple’s first year in business consisted of assembling the boards in Steve’s garage and driving to local computer stores to try and sell them. Meanwhile, Woz worked on a new, much improved computer, the Apple II, which finished in 1977. In order to expand the businnes, steve had to find venture capitalists to fund. He made a deal with Mike Markkula, an enthusiastic former Intel executive who invested $250,000 in their business.

Apple II soon became the symbol of the personal computing revolution worldwide. It stood a top all competition both because of its breakthrough hardware features (including its color graphics) and its very large supply of compatible software. The key to Apple II’s success was actually VisiCalc, the first spreadsheet program ever brought to market. Thousands of people bought Apple IIs just to use it. As a result, the company grew at a very fast rate, and went public after just four years of existence, in December 1980. Steve Jobs’ net worth passed the $200 million mark on that day — he was only 25.

Apple’s success was threatened, as industry giant IBM was planning to enter the personal computer market in 1981. Apple had to fight back to retain their position or they would go out of business in a couple of years. Hence Steve started a new project named LISA (named after his ex- girl friend's daughter),although he denied all paternity (that difficult situation actually caused him to miss Time Magazine’s Man of the Year 1982).Yet Steve Jobs was soon thrown out of the Lisa project because he was considered too temperamental a manager.

Steve was stunned. Apple was his life, and he was kicked out of it. He started traveling around looking for new ways to spend his energy.Deeply angry, he took revenge by taking over a small project called Macintosh, determined to make it a cheaper GUI computer that would cannibalize sales of Lisa. Macintosh was in development since 1979 and its concept was “a computer as easy to use as a toaster.” With its success Steve bought another company for $10 million in 1986, incorporating it as Pixar. He decided Pixar would go public the week after the release of Toy Story, cashing in on the media hype surrounding the first computer-generated animation movie of all time. It worked wonders: Toy Story’s box-office success was only surpassed by the Pixar stock’s success on Wall Street. Steve Jobs, who owned 80% of the company, saw his net worth rise to over $1.5 billion — five times the money he had ever made at Apple in the 1980s!

Yet his main passion was still to make great computers. In September 1985, he announced to the Apple board that he was going to found a new company, called NeXT. NeXT, would be based on UNIX, the most robust and most complex system in the world — but that it would also be as easy to use as a Macintosh.

Speaking of Apple started losing market share at an alarming rate. By 1996, the company’s newly appointed CEO, Gil Amelio, eventually chose Steve’s NeXTSTEP. Apple paid $400 million to acquire NeXT, and Steve was back to the company that had thrown him out a decade earlier. His official title was that of “informal adviser to the CEO.”

Apple back on track

Steve introduced a new, amazing consumer desktop computer: iMac. Introduced in May 1998, it was Apple’s first really innovative product basically since the original Macintosh in 1984.iMac was a hot seller, and it was essential in bringing back tons of developers to the Mac platform. The company launched a revolutionary marketing campaign around a new slogan: Think Different, spreading the idea that people who used Macs were dreamers who could change the world.  After three years in charge, Steve Jobs had brought Apple back to greatness. That’s why he finally accepted to become full-time CEO of Apple in January 2000 — the first time one man became CEO of two public companies at the same time.

Ever since no look back, which ever product Steve introduced, it became a great success. People became fond of using  Apple devices while led to the invention of airport (routers) ipods (music player), iphone (multimedia Phone), and to the latest ipads.

Health concerns

In mid-2004, Jobs announced to his employees that he had been diagnosed with a cancerous tumor in his pancreas. The prognosis for pancreatic cancer is usually very grim; Jobs, however, stated that he had a rare, far less aggressive type known as islet cell neuroendocrine tumor.

In April 2009, Jobs underwent a liver transplant at Methodist University Hospital Transplant Institute. Jobs' prognosis was "excellent."

On January 17, 2011, one and a half years after Jobs returned from his liver transplant, Apple announced that he had been granted a medical leave of absence. Jobs announced his leave in a letter to employees, stating his decision was made so he could focus on his health." As during his 2009 medical leave, Apple announced that Tim Cook would run day-to-day operations and that Jobs would continue to be involved in major strategic decisions at the company.

On March 2, 2011 Steve Jobs made an appearance at the iPad 2 launch event.

Steve Jobs addressing Standford Students. A Video you can never miss.Very inspiring and thought provoking speech.

Be Hungry, Be Foolish.....

Curtesy: Stanford University, About Steve Jobs.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Mera Bharat Mahan

Mera Bharat Mahan....

Yes, you read it right. India Our Country known for Rich Cultural Heritage, is the Home to the ancient Indus Valley Civilisation and a region of historic trade routes and vast empires, the Indian subcontinent was identified with its commercial and cultural wealth for much of its long history. Four of the world's major religions—Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism—originated here. The Indian economy is the world's eleventh largest economy and the fourth largest by purchasing power parity.India has become one of the fastest growing major economies in the world.

We all have read/heard about India (our Motherland) right from the Childhood days that its a Developing country, and even after 64 years of Independence, still its a Developing country and continues to be a Developing Country.  No doubt, India has remarkably improved in the field of IT, Aerospace, Science, medicine. Research and Technology. But on the other hand this Country is been hit by dangerous diseases like Corruption, politics and Mafia. Due to which people at the poverty level, remains to be at the same level, Rich becomes Richer and the Middle class struggles between these two. Untill and unless we eradicate these dangerous diseases India can never become a Developed Country.

So whome to Blame about this?

The Politicians are busy blaming oppostion parties,fighting for seats. Police force - Well they are not able to protect themselves. Yet they have to protect our corrupt Politicans, Rich peolple and least but not the last the comman man. Media- all time busy in making news. cold war among different channels to increase their TRP ratings. 

So whom to Blame???

Blame yourself. Yes we all are responsible for this. Most of us are least bothered to know whats happening in and around us. All we know is to pass comments or at the most crib about something which could not get. Nobody wants to raise their voice and even if some once comes front, other don't bother to support him.  Unless we change our attitude we cannot expect to see any difference.

I am neither a politican nor a dictator, just a comman Man. The recent few incidents disturbed me a lot which made me to write this Blog.


Have you ever seen/heard a person being burnt alive?

Well we have to digest this fact. Yashwant Sonawane, 46, Additional Collector of Maharashtra was killed near Panewadi after he spotted oil adulterators stealing kerosene from a tanker. When he intervened, the accused doused him with kerosene and set him on fire, killing him.

Sonawane had gone to Chandwad to quell a protest by farmers who were angry at sudden crash of onion prices.He was returning from Chandwad and was on his way to Nandgaon when he spotted someone stealing kerosene from a tanker parked near a roadside eatery called Sagar Dhaba at Panewadi.

When Sonawane started questioning the person who was stealing the kerosene, the latter ran away. Sonawane then called the local supply inspector to the spot and decided to wait for him to arrive.

A little later, Shinde arrived at the scene along with his two sons and some employees. Shinde first assaulted Sonawane and then picked up the kerosene canisters that were lying there and poured the fuel on him and set him afire. Sonawane died on the spot. Shinde, who suffered 65% burn injuries, died at JJ hospital in Mumbai earlier this month.

Result: We lost a Sincere officer.

Action: 10 People have been arrested in this case. No idea when they will be relased on BAIL.


Injustice to the Justice seekers!!!!

How can parents kill their Daughter??? Well according to CBI it is YES.

Aarushi Murder Case

The Central Bureau of Investigation's(CBI) closure report in the Aarushi Talwar murder case lists circumstantial evidence that points to her parents alleged involvement in the crime and the subsequent cover-up: * The murder scene had been heavily "dressed up", which could only have been done by her parents

* A bottle of Scotch whisky was found on the dining table. But according to the CBI, any intruder would not have had sufficient time to consume liquor on the May 15-16, 2008 night of the murder.

* A lie detector test at the Forensic Sciences Laboratory in Gandhinagar revealed that Rajesh and Nupur Talwar (Aarushi's Parents) used to lock Aarushi's bedroom at night.

* The door could be opened from inside without a key, but once it was shut, it could not be opened from outside without a key.

* A number of circumstances indicate the involvement of the parents in the crime and the cover-up.

* The key to her room was with Nupur Talwar, who could not explain how and why it was lying in the lobby.

* Attempt to fix the autopsy report to ensure there is no mention of rape.


Indians having Swiss Bank Accounts...

Details of Swiss bank accounts given to WikiLeaks by private banker-turned-whistleblower Rudolf Elmer has a few Indian names.

The data revealed names of Indian entities including two apparently linked firms — Annapurna Convertible and Anna Investments — and two individuals Asad Ali Khan and Zahida Ali Khan.

Elmer is a former employee of Swiss bank Julius Baer and the bank has said he had leaked the accounts motivated by unfulfilled career expectations.

Although information is sketchy, it might lead to more leads.

Annapurna Convertibles reportedly has $85 million and Anna Investments $9.7 million in Julius Baer bank. These are among the 2,000 names in two discs Rudolf Elmer gave WikiLeaks.

These are believed to be account details of prominent people and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has promised to provide details.

It was held on two discs handed over by Elmer at a press conference in London. Assange promised full disclosure once information had been vetted.

Result: So this means that you can expect some Big Indian names among the prominent people in the list.


Commonwealth Games scam: Nearly Rs630 crore worth contracts were given to firms at exorbitant rates.

Former Commonwealth Games Organising Committee chairman Suresh Kalmadi's personal assistant Shekhar Deorukhkar was arrested by CBI in Pune. Deorukhkar has been produced before the Shivaji Nagar court with the CBI seeking his transit remand.He has been arrested in connection with the Commonwealth Games scam.

Kalmadi was sacked as the chairman of Commonwealth Games Organising Committee on January 24.


The Much talked 2G Spectrum Scam

What is the 2G spectrum scam about?

Here is a background on the 2G spectrum controversy that resulted in Communications and IT Minister A. Raja of DMK resigning.

Let me give you a brief insight on this scam. This scam dates to 2008 when nine telecom companies were issued scarce airwaves and licences for second generation (2G) mobile phone services at Rs.1,658 crore (less that $350 million) for a pan-India operation. As many as 122 circle-wise licences were issued.

Further based on the auction of airwaves for third generation (3G)  services, which got nearly $15 billion to the exchequer, and that for  broadband access, which fetched over $8.5 billion, the notional loss was estimated at $38 billion to the exchequer.

Swan Telecom, according to CBI, was one of the beneficiaries of the irregularities committed by Raja in the process of granting UAS licences during in 2008, the real estate firm promoted by Balwa, to Kalaignar TV to show the links between the two.

CBI states that “During the course of our investigation, we came across a transaction of Rs 200 crore from Cineyug to Kalaignar TV in 2009". The latter belongs to Sharad Kumar and others who are associates of Raja. The fund was arranged by Cineyug Films from the DB group of companies, in which Balwa’s family-members are directors and share-holders,” CBI argued while extension in their remand.

A Raja has been booked on charges of cheating, forgery . Polital rilaries says that DMK chief M Karunanidhi and his family must now be made co-accused in the 2G case. The probe agency says that it needs more time to pin down Raja on how he allegedly favoured certain telecom companies in giving out 2G licences, while rejecting other bids, that caused a loss of Rs 22,000 crore to the nation.

With these 5 Incidents, you can see where our Country is heading towards. Everybody need to act on this. Stop cribbing, getup and see what role you can play to bring a change. Don't forget that you are being  ruled by the politican whom you had voted directly (by casting vote) or indirectly (Proxy votes). You have all the rights to question them. So please utilize this opportunity to save our Country.

Saaare jaha se kachcha Hindustan hamara, Mera Bharat Mahan!!!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Much Awaited Appraisal

Appraisal, Is one word, which drives all of our attention towards it. It is one word which can double your happiness or makes you disappointed.It is the one word which holds the strings of your pay hike and rating...

Yes, the Much Awaited Appraisal was held last week, not to make me Happy but to make me disappointed...

I had a great expectations for this year Appraisal and so was my performance. I had regularly met most of the metrics month on month. Achieved targets almost every month (except one or two). Minimized on breaks, avoided taking leaves(when not required), worked with dedication and was open to any kind of feedback. The best part was even my Manager patted my back stating, YOU are doing a great Job.... Alas!!! quickly I jumped in joy assuming that this time I'll be getting good rating...

Finally the day came and I was called upon for my Yearly discussions. The discussion went up for more than 45 mins with all twists,turns and surprises finally I was awarded a rating which I was no were in a position to accept it.

I was terribly shocked and awestruck after getting to know the rating I was awarded . After some point of time, realized that there was no point in arguing when the ratings were already decided. People below me in stack ranking have got good ratings and me after slogging for one complete year has been awarded with the rating which I did not even dreamt abt. All my efforts vent in vain.. For the first time in these 3 YEARS, I felt like not working... I was so much passion abt my work, but everything was affected by my Appraisal.

You cannot share this information with your family members and especially when you are married, you just cannot. even though they are very friendly and supportive.

Had been through sleepless nights wondering on what basis I was awarded the rating. The answer I got was  a BIG ?

Discussed with Next Level Manager, escalated to the HR, just to know that Rating once decided, cannot be changed or modified.

Days passed by, could not concentrate on my work, did not felt like speaking with any one...

After couple of days came across this famous article from Chetan Bagat, the Lines read as follows,

After reading these lines, I was so relaxed and enthusiastic, said to myself, "I am paid what I am worth off".Its not just the Hard work, even the Luck matters.. Personally I will not be gaining anything out of disappointment, anger and frustration, except the list of enmity would increase.

Instead, decided to deliver the best keeping in mind that " The Tide Will Always Come Back". So good times ahead.

Hope so your Appraisal will be/was fruitful!!!!


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Year started with New Resolutions, Aspirations and list would go on....

This is my first ever Blog. All the Credit goes to my friend Nuthan. Because of his encouragement, I am happy to say that even I have started Blogging.


On the eve of this New Year, I would like to gift all of you this handbook 2011.

Read this Handbook, if possible adapt some tips to ur routine life....

1.      Drink plenty of water.
2.      Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar.
3.      Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants..
4.      Live with the 3 E's - Energy, Enthusiasm and Empathy.
5.      Make time to pray.
6.      Play more games.
7.      Read more books than you did in 2010.
8.      Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.
9.      Sleep for 7 hours.
10.    Take a 10-30 minutes walk daily. And while you walk, smile.

11.    Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
12.    Don't have negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.
13.    Don't over do. Keep your limits.
14.    Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
15.    Don't waste your precious energy on gossip.
16.    Dream more while you are awake.
17.    Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need..
18.    Forget issues of the past. Don't remind your partner with His/her mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present happiness.
19.    Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don't hate others.
20.    Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present.
21.    No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
22.    Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn.  
23.    Smile and laugh more.
24.    You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree...

25.    Call your family often.
26.    Each day give something good to others.
27.    Forgive everyone for everything.
28.    Spend time with people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6.
29.    Try to make at least three people smile each day.
30.    What other people think of you is none of your business.
31.    Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.

32.    Do the right thing!
33.    Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
34.    GOD heals everything.
35.    However good or bad a situation is, it will change..
36.    No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
37.    The best is yet to come..
38.    When you awake alive in the morning, thank GOD for it.
39.    Your Inner most is always happy. So, be happy.

Wish you all a Very Happy and Healthy New Year....