Sunday, March 6, 2011


I have seen many people including me, would quickly run out of patience and state " hardwork would never paysoff" and tend to lose focus on the present work. And we will not stop there, we carry our fursturation and anger to home and yell on the poor family members. This would continue for 2-3 days and then we would be back to normal life. We would be so calm that as if no changes took place. We have No time to analyze. No time to think, No time to plan. And most importantly NO time to implement new ideas for the betterment of our lives.  We are all well educated, atleast degree holders, yet we are not sure what we are doing or why we are into this field. By the time we realize forget about hardwork, it would be hard for us to work,indicating signs of retirement.

I decided to write this blog, Hoping that Steve Jobs story would enlighten us and awake us for the new challanges.

Recently I watched a short speech of Steve Jobs addressing college students. The video had  three stories which steve shared with graduating students. All these three stories would help in moulding charters of a person and undoubtfully remains inspiration for ever. For reference, I have attached the video at the end of this blog.  Don't miss to watch it.

Steve Jobs is undeniably an extraordinary man by any standard.He has left his mark on no less than five industries: personal computers with Apple and Macintosh, music with iPod and iTunes, phone with iPhone, and animation with Pixar.

The middle-class kid with no college education that he was built a computer empire and became a multi-millionaire in a few years, was fired from his own company before coming back a decade later to save it and turn it into one of the world’s most influential corporations, with millions of fans around the world. He has also contributed to the creation of the new leader in animated movies for decades to come. He has been widely acknowledged as one the world’s most eminent business executives and an unrivaled visionary. He has changed millions of lives by making technology easy-to-use, exciting and beautiful.… And you know what the best part is? He’s not done yet.

A brief histroy about World renowned business executive and a visionary  STEVE JOBS.

Steven Paul Jobs was born in San Francisco, California on February 24 1955. His biological parents, unwed college graduates Joanne Simpson and Abdulfattah Jandali, had him adopted by a lower-middle-class couple from south of the Bay Area, Paul and Clara Jobs.

Steve right from his childhood days was facinated about electronics. It was not uncommon to see engineers fill their garages with all kind of electronic devices in that part of California. Steve Jobs was fascinated by these, and that’s why, in 1969, he met with a computer whiz kid who shared his interests in electronics: Stephen Wozniak — commonly known as Woz. Steve and Woz quickly became friends even though Woz was five years older.

When Steve Jobs reached college age, he decided he would go to Reed College in Oregon. But the fees was very expensive for his modest parents.  But they had to keep their promise to Steve’s biological mother, and therefore paid for the tuition. Knowing the fact that his parents cannot afford tution fees, steve decided to discontinue his college course after 1st Semester. He spen a lot of time learning about Eastern mysticism and adopted strange diets, fasting or eating only fruits. He used to leave without food for almost a week waiting for Sundays, bcoz ISCON (Krishna temple in Oregon) used to provide free meals on sundays. He even traveled to India with a friend to seek enlightenment at age 19.

Birth of Apple computers

After Steve came back to the Valley, he focused on Woz’s work on a computer board. Steve Jobs saw that many people were interested in his friend’s brilliant work: he suggested they sell the board to them. Apple Computer was born.

Apple’s first year in business consisted of assembling the boards in Steve’s garage and driving to local computer stores to try and sell them. Meanwhile, Woz worked on a new, much improved computer, the Apple II, which finished in 1977. In order to expand the businnes, steve had to find venture capitalists to fund. He made a deal with Mike Markkula, an enthusiastic former Intel executive who invested $250,000 in their business.

Apple II soon became the symbol of the personal computing revolution worldwide. It stood a top all competition both because of its breakthrough hardware features (including its color graphics) and its very large supply of compatible software. The key to Apple II’s success was actually VisiCalc, the first spreadsheet program ever brought to market. Thousands of people bought Apple IIs just to use it. As a result, the company grew at a very fast rate, and went public after just four years of existence, in December 1980. Steve Jobs’ net worth passed the $200 million mark on that day — he was only 25.

Apple’s success was threatened, as industry giant IBM was planning to enter the personal computer market in 1981. Apple had to fight back to retain their position or they would go out of business in a couple of years. Hence Steve started a new project named LISA (named after his ex- girl friend's daughter),although he denied all paternity (that difficult situation actually caused him to miss Time Magazine’s Man of the Year 1982).Yet Steve Jobs was soon thrown out of the Lisa project because he was considered too temperamental a manager.

Steve was stunned. Apple was his life, and he was kicked out of it. He started traveling around looking for new ways to spend his energy.Deeply angry, he took revenge by taking over a small project called Macintosh, determined to make it a cheaper GUI computer that would cannibalize sales of Lisa. Macintosh was in development since 1979 and its concept was “a computer as easy to use as a toaster.” With its success Steve bought another company for $10 million in 1986, incorporating it as Pixar. He decided Pixar would go public the week after the release of Toy Story, cashing in on the media hype surrounding the first computer-generated animation movie of all time. It worked wonders: Toy Story’s box-office success was only surpassed by the Pixar stock’s success on Wall Street. Steve Jobs, who owned 80% of the company, saw his net worth rise to over $1.5 billion — five times the money he had ever made at Apple in the 1980s!

Yet his main passion was still to make great computers. In September 1985, he announced to the Apple board that he was going to found a new company, called NeXT. NeXT, would be based on UNIX, the most robust and most complex system in the world — but that it would also be as easy to use as a Macintosh.

Speaking of Apple started losing market share at an alarming rate. By 1996, the company’s newly appointed CEO, Gil Amelio, eventually chose Steve’s NeXTSTEP. Apple paid $400 million to acquire NeXT, and Steve was back to the company that had thrown him out a decade earlier. His official title was that of “informal adviser to the CEO.”

Apple back on track

Steve introduced a new, amazing consumer desktop computer: iMac. Introduced in May 1998, it was Apple’s first really innovative product basically since the original Macintosh in 1984.iMac was a hot seller, and it was essential in bringing back tons of developers to the Mac platform. The company launched a revolutionary marketing campaign around a new slogan: Think Different, spreading the idea that people who used Macs were dreamers who could change the world.  After three years in charge, Steve Jobs had brought Apple back to greatness. That’s why he finally accepted to become full-time CEO of Apple in January 2000 — the first time one man became CEO of two public companies at the same time.

Ever since no look back, which ever product Steve introduced, it became a great success. People became fond of using  Apple devices while led to the invention of airport (routers) ipods (music player), iphone (multimedia Phone), and to the latest ipads.

Health concerns

In mid-2004, Jobs announced to his employees that he had been diagnosed with a cancerous tumor in his pancreas. The prognosis for pancreatic cancer is usually very grim; Jobs, however, stated that he had a rare, far less aggressive type known as islet cell neuroendocrine tumor.

In April 2009, Jobs underwent a liver transplant at Methodist University Hospital Transplant Institute. Jobs' prognosis was "excellent."

On January 17, 2011, one and a half years after Jobs returned from his liver transplant, Apple announced that he had been granted a medical leave of absence. Jobs announced his leave in a letter to employees, stating his decision was made so he could focus on his health." As during his 2009 medical leave, Apple announced that Tim Cook would run day-to-day operations and that Jobs would continue to be involved in major strategic decisions at the company.

On March 2, 2011 Steve Jobs made an appearance at the iPad 2 launch event.

Steve Jobs addressing Standford Students. A Video you can never miss.Very inspiring and thought provoking speech.

Be Hungry, Be Foolish.....

Curtesy: Stanford University, About Steve Jobs.


  1. 3 cheers to Steve jobs! There was one point of time, where I used to watch this video daily before I kick start my work!!! truly inspiring...

  2. He is terrific .. he has got that Passion and perseverance.
    Nice one Ramesh..good post : )

  3. great post about Steve Jobs! I really admire good entrepreneurs like him, Bill Gates, Richard Branson or Yuri Mintskovsky. They are perfect role models for all us! We can learn so many interesting and useful things from these smart people!
