Friday, December 2, 2011

Whom do you draw inspiration from???

This blog is dedicated to YOU!!!

We always look upto some of the greatest presonalities and dream about achiving similar goals in our lives.. There is absolutely nothing wrong in it, but the actual fact is that we spend most of our precious time in day dreaming about it. The result is we have wasted those many minutes, Which we would have utiliesd on some other work which would have required immediate attention or should have been given more priority. I myself have experienced this, we keep our work a side and give so much importance to our achivements attained in those 15-30 mins of our dream. We are pretty much aware that its not in reality and killing those precious time, basking in the glory of achivement in dream, yet we are lazy enough to invest time and hard work to achive the same in reality.

Now lets talk about the actual topic "Whom do you draw inspiration from???"

In my life there are so many people whom I look upto or drawn inspiration from, but amongst all, these four people who really inspired me or changed my way of leading life..

1. My Parents: I am proud to say this!!! Because I have seen their struggle to bring us up, their sacrifice towards new clothes or gold ornaments to pay our school fees/ provide good education and a decent living. I still remember those days, I was in 2nd, my dad used to work in night shifts, reach home aroud 7:30 Am gets ready to drop me at school by cycling 3-4 kms again gets back home help my mom in giving bath to his bedridden mother, by the time he sleeps it will be around 1 Pm - again wakes up at 4 and comes to school to pick me up.
Dads salary was 200/- and mom used to conduct tutions at home and she used to earn 150-200/- Total salary combined together was less then 500/- in which they have to pay rent, bills, school fees, medicenes and ration to home. In spite of all these expenses they used to save money God knows how,they used to be very optimistic and always wear a simple smile. Years passed by and today we are living in our own house (a three storey building), never ever dreamt that we would be living in a own house. Proud of you Mom and Dad.

2. Raghavendra: My Cousin, who used to stay in cottenpet (majestic area). He is elder to me by an year, but used to struggle like hell to support his family. At very early age (7), he lost his mother, his dad married another women (who happens to be my dad's youger sister). Raghavendra very soon took responsibility on his shoulder, the office (binny mills) where his dad used to worked had all of a sudden closed down. His dad became unemployed unable to run family tried to commit sucide. Elders of their family came to his rescue and offered him a job at printing press. However that wassn't enough to run family. This young boy who had just completed his 10 std, decided to discontinue his studies and started supporting his family of 6(3 siblings, mom, dad and grand father).

Raghavendra used to get up at 4 in the morning and goes to put paper, comes back home around 7, dress up and go to another work (ticket counter at a travel agency) comes back at 6, gets refreshed and heads to printing press for part time job upto 10 in the night.I don't even remeber how many nights he slept without food, forget about food, when he comes back from work in the night there was no place for him to sleep. He used to sleep in the nearby temple. Anybody in his give situation would have left home.. But this kind hearted fellow stayed with them to support his family. He struggled for more than 10 years to wear some decent clothes, to have food and sleep at the right time.
Today, Ragavendra a Bcom grad (through correspondence) works for a company in BTM layout, earns a decent salary.Married to a working women and leads a happy life, his younger brother is a MBA Grad, works for a finance sector, both of his sisters have got married and are leading a happy life, Parents stay in a leased house with his younger brother. 

3. Selvi: She was a servant (aaya) of our college. One fine evening when I was busy completing the assigment which I was suppose to subitted next day morning, this female was running out of time, she was suppose to lock the class room and leave for her home, instead she waited for me to complete the assigment. While I was writing my assignment, I trid to drag her into conversation, She said she was the first servent to join this college and till date never had a dull moment. She loves to be in this college so that she can be always associated with the yougsters. She further said that she used to observe some of the yougsters about how they behave, how they communicate, how they concentrate on their studies so that it help her to teach her kids at home some of the best practices.

Selvi was aged around 40, has two children (a boy and a girl) husband works at a garment factory. She used always say that she wants to give her kids a good quality education, for which she is ready to do anything.
This conversation went up to more than 1 hour, by the time I completed the assignment it was 6 in the evening. College was supposed to be closed at 4:30 PM. Yet she never complained abt the delay and moved on.

From next day morning, I used to go upto her and wish her in the morning and we used to interact when ever i met her in the college campus. Days passed by and it was during my last semister, she said that she was going a leave for a month, she wished me all the best for my exams and disappeared. That was the last time I met her. 

Two years ago I had been to my college to visit my Maths lecturer, it was to my surprise, selvi recognised and came upto to me and spoke to me. This time her happiness was doubled, reason being her daughter had completed CA and son was about to complete Automobile engineering (last sem). I was more than happy to hear that. I praised her for her dedication at work, commitment and responsibility in giving her kids a bright future. Another intresting fact that inspired me was she said no matter how much ever her her son and daugher would earn she would still continue to work for this college till her last breath. I was literally moved by this statement, did not how to respond, gave a simple smile and walked away from the sight.

4.  My Colleague: She is a mother of two, aged around 30's, simple and down to earth person. She is great source of inspiration for me at work. She is the soul bread earner for her family. Husband works for a private firm but cannot relay on his salary. So she has to take care of her daughters education, house rent and many more. yet she comes to office with a sparkling smile.
I have a great respect for this female for many reasons: 1. she passed out her E-MBA in First class, 2. She was nominated for E-award for her outstanding work at office. 3. She has a great passion for music and reading books and when ever she finds time, she just gets sinked into them. 4. She works as a guest faculty to train MBA students. and the list goes on and on...Personally I have learned and would continue to learn a lot from her. In fact I started reading books because of her inspiration.

So friends do we still need to look upto great personalities to get inspired??? Stop looking upto them. Discover people around you, appreciate their work,   learn the skill, master the art of living.

The best thing about you in this world is YOU.  Let go your Ego,  Start beliving in yourself.

Like me even you would have come across many wonderful people, it can be your spouse, childern, your parents, brothers, sisters, it can be your lecturer, friend, neighbor, street hawker, milk vendor or even your maid.Get inspired, Get motivated.. Lead a meaningful Life!!!

Finally be Kind to others. "Kindness is the rent we need to pay for the space occupied on this beautiful planet". 


  1. Am truly inspired by your post Ramesh..thank you.
    And I must admire your outlook towards Life. A better Ramesh than ever : ).. Good going dude.

  2. Your thought and writing is awesome. The way you think of people and life. What is so beautiful that you take time from your busy schedule of life to focus on the small but really imporatnt things that come in our life that either make us or break us.

    Wish that every human being could think like u, then our wrld would be a better place to live in... :)

    As for me you truly inspire me and am proud to have known you... :)

  3. Yet another good writing... aptly said... Get inspired and motivated by simple things around you.... Emerge a WInner, choose a wholesome path, Be down to earth and of all be a human!

  4. It is wonderful to have such a personality who is so observant enough to list out the best in every individual and consider that as an inspiration. Thanks Ramesh..:)

    Inspiration is something which has touched you and has forced the inner self to follow the character or the speciality of that particular person. So there is something inbuilt in everyone which makes her/him special. We need to polish it and Help it glow.

    We do not know whether we take birth on this earth again or not..whilst we are born let's try leaving some good impression of us (may be in the hearts of few) with the kindness god has given us. Our speciality should touch and cherish at least few lives and help in making few lives live better life with happiness.
