Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Deepavali... Festival of Lights, Crackers, Sweets and Cherishable Moments!!!

Deepavali, this festival always conquer a special position in my Heart. This is one my favorite festivals that I love celebrating. And there are couple of sweet childhood memories associated with this festival.

Way back when I was in 2nd or 3rd standard, I used to eagerly wait for this festival for three reasons: 1. Burning Crackers 2. New Clothes and 3. Home made sweets (kajjaya).

The moment I get to know that Deepavali is round the corner, all the day I used to dream about this festival, which clothes to wear, which crackers to light first so on and so forth...

In those days , dad use to pay some monthly/quarterly installment for this deepavali gift box which he thought that it would serve both the purpose (crackers and attractive gift). So in that way we used to get 1 Crackers box + I gift box (Suitcase or Silver coins...).

The Crackers box later would be divided into two equal share for me and my brother. Which we used to hide  and preserve for the next 3 days.

I can still recall some of those incidents.., On the festive morning, we used to get up by our own (all other days mom/dad used to wake up). take head bath, wear new clothes and start arranging the crackers scheduling for next 3 days.

We would start off with Bijali crackers in the morning and continue it till evening. some time if Bijali gets over soon, we used to unthread the sara pataki and start lighting one by one as bijali.

Apart from this, there would be also some compition between neighbors and friends to know who burned more crackers. Obviously I would be in the last position coz of quantity. So I used to be awake till 11 PM, hit the street, collect all the papers from end of the street or in front of neighbors house and put them in front of my house. The next morning I used to pose, as if I had burned more than anyone else..  HaHaHa..

Days have passed by, we have grown up and now today, we have no interest to burn crackers, instead we curse if neighbors are making huge noise over bursting crackers.

Things have changed, Life has become so mechanical, these days we don't even remember when the festival would be and even if we had to celebrate we used to keep them very simple. No Enthusiasm, No Curiosity, No joy, just for the sake of festival we have to celebrate.

Those days we were grown up seeing poverty, even to get an additional Bijali packet we had to beg our parents and when we get them in our hands, there used to be some kind of satisfaction, unlimited joy and happiness.Vise versa, now we are ready to spend thousands for the crackers, branded clothes but not in mood to celebrate or rather keep them very simple.

Childhood memories are always special. Today you might be in a good position, you would have bought a new house, Car or even be a proud owner of new company.., but everything would be priceless in front of those fond memories. Change is constant, but happiness would be doubled when you recall those childhood memories and cherish them.

And for me this festival of lights would always remain very special. And I hope even for most of you one or the other festival would be very special. 

Oh what a golden days those were. If God answers my prayer and offers me a wish, I would definitely ask for "Give me Some Sunshine, Give me Some Ray, Give me another chance to grow up once again"....

May this Festival of Lights bring unlimited Joy, Happiness and Prosperity in all your lives.. HAPPY DEEPAVALI!!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Deepavali Ramesh : )
    Don't worry.. give it few more years and then we will celebrate with all pomp and show with our kids.. and you will soon start finding the joy in all these celebrations : )
