Sunday, January 29, 2012

PARENTHOOD-Rebirth of Happiness!!!

My first post in this New year 2012.

Let me first thank my Best Pal Nuthan, He is th sole inspiration for me to start blogging... and today my blog has turned one  year. Thanks Nuthan for your support and encourgement..

Parenthood, is an Awesome experience, its an art, its a fulfilment, its a special journey of Life!!!

Since Abhiram's birth, we are enjoying his every moment, his cute smile, sparkling eyes, those tiny sweet little fingers, new experssions, ah what a priceless moment it is...

My wife takes care of Abhiram so well, that sometimes it surprises me. I can see a complete transformation in her from being a  Girl friend, wife and now being a mother. She dedicates her full time in taking care of the kid. Initially I was worried about how she can manage with him. Well, full marks to her, she gives full importance to him, she gets up even in the middle of the night without any hesitance as soon as she hears his voice. She has learnt about his activities and takes care of him accordingly. 

Now let me share my personal experience about the warmth happiness I get from my Kid..I still recall those special moments, first time when I took my son into my arms... WOW it was an awesome experience.. You will forget everything around you. Even if someone offers you crores of Rupees, its nothing in front of those cute expressions and smiles...

With the busy hectic work on the weekdays, I will be looking forward for weekends to spend some quality time with my wife and Son. When I go to meet him, I would be completely lost in his cute smile.. You will be free from all the worries, tensions and stress.. His smile alone gives me priceless happiness...,his actions, expressions are real treat to watch!!! I feel like not coming back to home or report to work next day :( but can't help I have to, afterall working for him to give a bright future..

This Stage, everyone has to pass through in their journey of Life, every one has to experience those special moments in thier lives, only then their life is complete!!!